Crystal Lighting Engine v1.1

Crystal Lighting Engine v1.1 Released!

Welcome to the big v1.1 update!

This version contains several fixes and some important changes, please make a backup before updating. This version will not cause a crash, but may cause unexpected behavior due to the changes. Please read carefully and adapt to the changes if you want to use this version. These changes are important for the improvement of the Crystal Lighting Engine.

Release Notes:

[ADDED] In-game Material Editor: Preview and edit materials in real time using the Debug UI.
[ADDED] Crystal_NormalsInverter constructor. Batch Normal Map Converter: recursively find and flip normal map sprites.
[ADDED] .FromSprite() function to Crystal_Material to easily get material (normal, emissive, etc) sprites.
[ADDED] .FromSpriteFrames() function to Crystal_Material to easily get material (normal, emissive, etc) sprites.
[ADDED] .SyncToOwner() function to Crystal_Material. This function synchronizes some material variables to the "owner" instance (if defined) - built-in variables.
[ADDED] .SyncToOwner() function to Crystal_Shadow. This function synchronizes some shadow variables to the "owner" instance (if defined) - built-in variables.
[ADDED] .SetLightsCompensation() to Crystal_Renderer. Works like .SetLightsIntensity() but is not affected by any external factors (like Day & Night Cycle).
[ADDED] "Lights Compensation" slider to the Debug UI.
[ADDED] .IsRenderEnabled() function to Crystal_Renderer.
[ADDED] .IsDrawEnabled() function to Crystal_Renderer.
[ADDEd] .GetLightsCompensation() function to Crystal_Renderer.
[ADDED] You can now use .Set*() functions in a chained fashion.
[ADDED] New Crystal Settings Macros: CLE_CFG_MAT_SUFFIX_*. Used to identify materials with .From*() methods from Crystal_Material.
[CHANGED] Crystal_LightData's .LoadBuffer() function now has a parameter to delete the loaded buffer, being true by default.
[CHANGED] "emissionIntensity" from Crystal_Material is now only "emission". And "emissionIntensity" is now "emissiveIntensity" (NOTE the difference) which is the emissive sprite alpha - just like others.
[CHANGED] .SetLightsBlendmode() from Crystal_Renderer changed a bit, verify.
[FIXED] emissionColor from Crystal_Material was not working correctly with Spine sprites.
[FIXED] .LoadBuffer() and .SaveBuffer() from Crystal_LightData() was not returning "self";
[FIXED] In Crystal_Renderer, using the .Draw() function and not using .Render() causes a "surface does not exist" error.
[FIXED] Destroying Crystal_Renderer now stops it from continuing to run, preventing errors.
[FIXED] .AddMesh() from Crystal_Shadow now updates frameCount correctly.
[FIXED] Improved the way sprite shadows are deleted.
[FIXED] Small fixes.

This update includes a normal maps converter. Used in case you have normal map sprites designed for DirectX and want to convert to OpenGL and vice versa. This is how to use the new normal converter constructor:

converter = new Crystal_NormalsInverter();

Thanks for listening! Have a nice day =]


CrystalLightingEngine_v1.1.yymps 416 kB
77 days ago
CrystalLightingEngine_v1.1_Example.yyz 41 MB
77 days ago 23 MB
77 days ago

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Material workflow! Amazing work