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Hey man! This looks awesome! How does it interact with zoomed-in graphics? For example the hatching on shadows. Is it going to zoom hatches with sprite size or keep small hatches on zoomed-in sprite? Maybe it can do both? This shader is extremely interesting and I'd love to use it when I zoom during cutscenes (so keep small hatches on big zoomed sprite)


Hey shamanforest, I'm glad you like it! :D

This is what it looks like on Zoom:


Well done~~

Thank you 😊


You're a lifesaver!!!

To keep this review short, this asset has capabilities I would have paid hundreds of dollars for if it were independent software. Of course, this regards my own hyper-specific needs, but the result is beautiful. I've only played around with the basic settings, I haven't even got in depth like the screenshots yet. Definitely worth the purchase for art minds!


Woah thanks a lot for the review and kindness! I'm glad you're liking it :D

Feel free to show the results here if desired too ;)