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Deleted 7 days ago

Hello Linzi, sorry to hear that, but the file "Manual - Foxey Transitions Pro.pdf" is not enough? if you need help, send me a message on Discord. Cheers

Helloo! Your tools are simply stunning I bought everything from you, with this tool can I have a transition like Animal Crossing New Horizons? I mean a circle wipe transition?


Can I use this with the unity engine?

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Hello GouHong,

It's for GameMaker engine only.

(1 edit)

Hey in the documentation it says to use this with PPFX you need to use this function:


However I had to use 


I'm sure this is just because PPFX was updated, thanks for the great assets.

Hello!, Yes, you are correct, there has been this change in Post-Processing FX, so I need to update the manual to reflect the changes. 

Thanks a lot! :D